Today, when I wake up, I receive many happy birthday msg from friends....^^
I quite happy coz in their hearts still gt me this friend.....^_^o ~~~
Then when I finish all oledi 6.15a.m. le, I so rush n rush into de car....coz I scare I break de promise....coz I promise yin reach school around 6.30a.m....
However, I still break de promise....coz I reach around 6.40 stg ⊙﹏⊙∥∣
I quickly run to my classroom....but dun hav c dao her....I amat gelisah ar....scare she will angry...coz she says if I late she angry me....
I put down my beg....then corrie says yin asks me go find her....(+_+)? I blur tat time....coz corrie bring me go very long way....tat time I duno wat she do....o_O??? I jz c her look here look there....I start to suspect what she want to do....coz normally when she walks, she won't look up, look left, look right de....→_→
Suddenly, I c dao yin n leon in de canteen.....(⊙o⊙)Funny....She wants gv me surprise but she fail....hoho.... I very gan dong what she done for me....coz be4 this nvr one do this for me....She is de 1st one (+﹏+)But seddenly my stomach painful....n I go pang sai a while....when I come out from de toilet, I c all my friends there oledi....~>_<~+ HAHA....(*>.<*)~ I love u all, my friends ↖(^ω^)↗ Muacks~~ * Yin, jz nw when I reach my class, I c de card u make for me....I gt cry....//(ㄒoㄒ)// really gan dong of wat u have done to me.....

yIn gV de #^_^#

YiN dO d do it 2 hrs ar....wakao....>_<
Hoho....JoyCe mum, JiuN n TC gv de ~@^_^@~
MiAo gv de ~^o^~
Roy Order for me de....really gan dong ^^ hope it will reach soon....maybe during SPM ^_^
^^....same day birthday wif me.....Christy gv de *^◎^*
Kiu Yi n Twins gv de ^^( nt cake wor~~) ~^o^~
hoho....Happy belated birthday to xiu xiu~~ hoho....
Hehez....jz nw ah kai says reload RM50 for me as my birthday present....hoho....coz my hp out of credit le....yeah....nw gt ppl reload for me...I nt nid worry le....^0^
Yew says thinking wat buy for me....=^_^= One more birthday present lu~~ ^o^
Huh?? but Robin jz nw says want gv me RM100 bo..... I dun hav hear dao leh....He says jz nw in school he says want gv me RM100....but I dun hav hieu him....huh?? gt meh?? I tot he jz say happy birthday to me =.=" haha....nvm k de....*^ο^* 我不会很看重钱的....你的心意我收到了....^^ thx ...midnite msg Happy Birthday to me ^o^
Quite Happy....thx...XiN yEe....Thx u still remember my birthday ^^
Muacks~~ all My friends....I love u all~~
41 条评论:
Not success la haiz..:(
1 time jiu nt success le...shi bai ah...
haha....u nt shi bai....still cn let me cry....nt shi bai...I really gan dong~~ ~>_<~+
haiyo Me wheregot so xiao qi de oh haha i already pakat v them de la haiyo haha...^^
haha cheh shi bai long u happy jiu ok le la haha...^^ noe be4 this oledi?? shi bai ^^....muakcss....haha....jz nw duno hug u hw many times le lo~~ hoho ^^
e...who say u gpt hug dao oh...haha why want tell u le haha...^^
haha....I gt hug dao lar....haha....^^ this lo~~ dun tell me lor~~‵(*>﹏<*)′
haha u got ask them la haha why want ask me le??haha^^
coz they dun want tell me lo~~ >.< They dun want tell me hu pakat wif u....
Haha i also don want tell bo hehe..^^they din say i also din say lo haha...^^nt need knw la.. tis de =.="
happie birthday..
today i saw you, did you saw me??
wish you have a happy birthday...
Best Regard from me..
thx ^^....thx of ur wishes....erm....i noe u??
cheh u ask them tell u la if they wan say then i cai tell u haha...^^
cheh =.=" dun talk wif u le ^^
wah so bad i do so many thing let u happy u don wan talk v me oh haiz...sad ah...
haha....jk de la....muackss....kiss....*hugs*
Haha u think i wont hiu u de meh haha...
har???? cheh....u won't dun hieu me de la....I treat u so good~~ wakaka ^^ *hug*
haha ya meh??treat me so good oh haha...hai ok la..haha
aiyer don yi zhi hugss me la i will paiseh de la haiyo haha...^^
haha.....miss u ba~~
haha miss me meh??haha then i hugss hugss yi xia lo...
cheh....hug dou dun let me hug de....
hug lo next time lo let u lo haha...^^
cheh....always say like tat de~~
wah let u hugss also say like tat again oh..haiz..:(
haha....^^....sorry :S
haha u don knw sorry no cure de ah??haha^^
haha~~ i say sorry gt cure bo!!
Ya meh??why le???for ur i accpet sorry got cure lo haha...^^^
hoho~~ u say de o~~ dun always say sorry no cure to me ler ^^
ok la u wan say hundred time sorry i also let u say de hehe..^^
hoho~~ sorry x100 times......
haha why say sorry??
coz u say if i want say jiu say ba~~ =)
haiyo ntg de hua jiu don say lo bcz ur husband don like oh...haha
^O^ {DUn say jiu dun say....I dun want husband dun like me~~}
haha ok lo if u like to say then i try my best to like it lo hehe...^^